How I Paid off $10K in 1 Month (that legit anyone can do!)

Have I got a blog post for you today!!! I’m sharing with you one simple thing I did to pay over $10K+ of debt that legit ANYONE can do! 

But wait, $10,000 in a month?

You’re probably thinking... “Emily, I do not have $10K sitting around gathering dust ready to pay off my debt”.

TRUST me, I didn’t think I had it either, so check out how I made it happen and how you can too!!


Before we get into exactly what I did, I want to touch on a couple ways you may currently be unknowingly self-sabotaging your debt repayment:

  1. Ignorance is bliss.

    More often than not, my clients don’t actually know how much they owe...they have an idea of how much it could be, but guess-timating is not knowing! The great news is that almost always, people are pleasantly surprised at how much their debt ACTUALLY is. They’ve been hiding away from it for so long out of fear and shame and that makes the debt feel way bigger and scarier in their minds than in reality.

  2. Set it and forget it.

    Ahhhh this one is an important one because I know how good it feels to just pop on the automatic payments and let it be - but out of sight out of mind is not ideal when it comes to debt. When you set it and forget it, you think of it as a monthly expense, which is great - EXCEPT when you have some extra cash flow come in. If your goal is to be a debt-free Rich Woman, you gotta get in the mindset of making additional payments, instead of just letting your monthly contribution take care of it. Don’t get me wrong, having automatic payments on your debt is GREAT, but more can be done.


    Sooooo many people have shame around their debt, and I’m going to say this in all caps so you know how serious I am: YOU DO NOT NEED TO FEEL SHAME AROUND YOUR DEBT. Got it? You are forgiven. It’s time to make debt your friend. Because if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that shame doesn’t get you closer to change. Shame typically has you feeling like crap about yourself, which then leads to inaction because you feel like you’ve done something wrong. Trust me - you’re a good human. Tell the shame to go take a hike…you’re making big changes!!!

Okay, now that we’ve got that covered, it’s time to get to the juicy part…

The one very simple way I paid of 10K in one month is this:

I put at least $1 on my debt every. single. day. 

Of course, in order to pay off 10K in a month, I contributed more than just $1, but it’s not about the amount, it’s the consistency and mindset around this exercise that is crucial.

You’re probably wondering HOW this worked…let me explain:

  1. For one, the symbolism of putting money on your debt every day is huge, it shows YOU taking control. You’re creating this connection that is telling the Universe, “I am no longer letting this debt rule my life and I am paying this off!”. You no longer let shame of what you did in the past run your finances. YOU take control.

  2. Secondly, you start to get motivated to take action and to pay it off faster. When “good money surprises” come up - like $5 you find in a pocket, a tax return, a bonus you get - you now are in momentum with paying off debt so you typically apply this extra money to the debt (instead of spending it).

  3. And lastly, let’s chat about what I like to call the Visa Bill Effect. We’ve ALL probably had an experience where a credit card bill came in and you’ve thought to yourself, “WHAT?? How is that possible, there must be a mistake. I spent HOW much?!”. Those seemingly tiny “insignificant” purchases - $5 here, $20 there, $62 there - on a daily basis add up and next thing you know you’re staring at a bill WAY more than you had anticipated.

    But the Visa Bill Effect can work in your FAVOUR, too! Those little seemingly insignificant debt repayments - the $1 today, $5 tomorrow, $13 the next day - can add up to thousands in the blink of an eye! Just give it a try and let me know what happens ;)

Alright, Rich Women - I want to hear from you in the comments. Tell me if this resonated with you, and if you’re going to challenge yourself to pay at least $1 a day towards being DEBT FREE!

PLUS to help you out - I’ve created the Money Manifesting Audio Series for you! You’re getting of my all-time most requested meditations AND mantra audios so you can get manifesting like a pro. Download here!!