Ready to find out what your money personality is to help you accelerate your business and achieve financial freedom?

Unlock your unique money code so you can stop spinning your wheels and follow the path of least resistance to your financial freedom!

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We’re not all meant to make money the same way. 

 That’s why you find yourself trying #allthethings but they just don’t seem to work, like…



You’re spinning in circles trying to chase what the “gurus” are telling you which is “sell everyday”, but you can't help but feel disconnected to it. It's because your money archetype works best with a different approach and no amount of "just be consistent and sell” will fix that!


You pride yourself on the fact that you love giving and helping.

Setting boundaries feels mean, and charging what you really want feels selfish & greedy. Let’s not get started on the fact that your rates haven’t been raised in years even though you’re busier than ever.

You want to have better boundaries and to raise your rates but then you worry, “Won’t everyone leave me?! Will they hate me?!”.


Spend your precious money? Why don’t they just ask for your first born child while they’re at it? It feels so hard to invest your hard earned money back into your business because money gives you security and safety. Seeing your savings account dip down gives you a mild panic attack! Investing in your business to grow has felt challenging and scary up to this point.


Saving money is so boring to you because retail therapy gives you life and saying “I deserve it” gives you all the feel goods. 

But while making MORE money in your business would be awesome deep down you know the more you make the more you’ll spend. Crossing your fingers hoping this magically changes one day is not a strategy that’s been working overly well for you.

It’s time to STOP building your business on what you think you “should” do.

Discover what your unique money code is (i.e. your money archetype) so you can work WITH it and make money in a much easier way, more aligned with YOU.

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The Money Code is the BEST money personality workshop & assessment to help you get rid of sabotaging money blocks and start fresh on a path of creating freedom, independence and a healthy relationship with money.  Within just an HOUR you’ll have your “aha” moment that will have you saying “YES, finally someone gets me!!!”.

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Within you is a unique “money code” called your Sacred Money Archetypes® (SMA). You’ll be provided with your own unique SMA assessment that will reveal to you your money archetypes and what makes you tick when it comes to money - freeing you from negative self judgment!

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  • The scores of each of your archetypes. Most importantly your top 3 scores.

  • You will now be prepared to move onto the video training where we dive deep into how to use your archetypes to your advantage

  • You’ll be provided with 16 beautiful money archetype resource cards you can print out and have handy for deeper understanding and learning



STEP 2: WATCH "Crack Your Money Code” (45 mins)

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  • A full understanding of your unique money code and what’s been holding you back in key areas such as: relationships, business growth, self-esteem, income potential and more.

  • What your 3 core money strengths are and how to use them to make more money in your business

  • 3 immediate action steps you need to take to get into alignment with money and your business growth customized to YOU



“Empowering Your Money Voice”(60 mins)

Dive into more of the advanced ways to apply your Sacred Money Archetypes® to build better boundaries and seal any money leaks so you no longer fall prey to unconscious sabotaging behaviour.



  • Where the money leaks, drains or blind spots are in your business that are silently robbing you of self-worth

  • How to eliminate money-awkwardness and replace it with courage and confidence

  • The 4 most dangerous money mindsets are and which one has been secretly driving you to over-work, under-earn or under-charge.

  • The secret behind creating money boundaries that increase cash flow (and give you a healthy increase in self-respect in the process)

  • Your own ‘money story makeover’ (template included) that will support you today, tomorrow and beyond to make more money, set respectful boundaries and up-level your life!

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 “I Am Money” Visualization ($11) Uncover more deeply your relationship with money so that you can love on it like bees to honey!

“Create a Brighter Future” Visualization ($19)  This 15 minute visualization will help you immediately break free of “shoulds” in your business and reveal exactly how you can live a life of freedom, on your terms.

“Shatter Your Glass Money Ceiling” Training Video & 5 minute Daily Tool ($67) Watch your money grow each month with my go-to 5-minute tool for creating my best financial months ever.  

REPLAY: 75 minute Q&A SESSION ($197) Get access the replay from a Q&A Coaching Call.



“The money archetypes are the key to my happy marriage! I understand my husband soooo much more now. He and I are totally different in viewing money so having that knowledge is a saving grace!”


“Finding out my money archetype was HUGE!!! It allowed me to break free from the cookie cutter moulds that people say you HAVE to do to grow your business. Knowing my archetypes and knowing what drove me was that missing piece that helped me take my biz to the next level with more confidence!


After Implementing THE MONEY CODE…


What MONEY ARCHETYPe are you?


MAVERICK: You’re the “you can’t tell me what to do” kinda rebel. You like to do things your way, and that sometimes means unconventional things that others don’t get. This allows you to take risks in business, have fun, and make great money. However, this whole “reinventing the wheel” all the time to avoid get bored, and doing everything yourself can stagnate your growth if you’re not careful. But when Mavericks are living in full alignment - watch out world! Join The Money Code to find out how to maximize your earning potential!

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NURTURERS: You’re the person people know they can lean on when they need a helping hand. However, sometimes all this nurturing can leave you feeling resentful and exhausted. You’re overdelivering and undercharging but you feel stuck because you’re afraid that charging more and setting healthy boundaries will have people think you’re greedy and selfish. It’s time to feel confident in your pricing, set healthy boundaries AND still know that your work is so loved and appreciated in this world. Join us to find out how!


ROMANTICS: Let me guess, your favourite saying is “I deserve it”? The pursuit of pleasure is one of the most important things in your life which can lead you to think you’re “bad with money” or downright lazy since you’re enjoying yourself so often! Saving money seems so boring to you, but when romantics learn how to keep their wonderful pleasure of life combined with financially taking care of themselves, magic happens! It’s totally possible and The Money Code will show you how.

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RULERS: You’re the dreamer and the go-getter! You’re not afraid to put in the work to make your dreams happen. However, one of two things tends to happen for you…you achieve the thing and then it’s onto chasing the next dream and/or you don’t know how to turn off work and just be present in the now. Yes, you can still achieve great things but wouldn’t it feel great to do so with more ease and alignment? After all, success is meant to feel FUN. Join us in The Money Code to find out how to bring more balance into your busy life!


ACCUMULATORS: There’s nothing that makes you more happy than seeing savings in your bank account. You have the amazing gift of the “inner banker” - money management comes easy to you. BUT - your penny pinching isn’t allowing you to enjoy your money, and most importantly it’s raining on your Rich Woman parade. Finding the joy in spending money, investing in your business and knowing that more is on the way is the sweet spot every Accumulator needs to find. Join us in The Money Code to learn how.


ALCHEMISTS: You’re the dreamer, the creator and the person that wakes up with a million new ideas a day. Problem being, this whole money thing is getting in the way. You want to just execute your ideas and wish the money would just take care of itself. This can lead your great ideas to then unprofitable businesses having you jump to the next thing. Let’s change this. Your ideas are valuable and money is going to ENHANCE your mission. Let your talents and gifts be financially rewarded - join us now!


CELEBRITIES: Let me guess…you’re a fan of KUWTK or The Real Housewives - after all, they’re living the dream! The glitz and glam is where you feel at home, but sometimes you’re left feeling “too much” for others. The good news? You’re an inspiration to us all - even if you feel “too much”. When you embrace your desire to be in the spotlight, while at the same time find joy in saving some of your hard earned money (so the bills don’t pile up!) you demonstrate such an example to us all of what true Rich Woman living is all about. Join us in The Money Code so you can learn how to unapologetically be YOU and be rich.


CONNECTORS: You’re the people person! You easily make connections with people and seem to know everyone. Caring more about people than money is great, but in not looking at your numbers $ you are stunting your growth. Money seems to work itself out for you, but if you actually paid attention to and understood that making more money actually allowed you to help more people you could have 10x the impact. Let’s help you grow your income and your impact with The Money Code!


 Considering that money is at the heart of MOST decisionS you make … 

  • If you could eliminate the conflicting emotions, the arguments with your significant other, the guilt and any doubts that are holding you back, what would be possible for you in your business?

  • If you could dramatically up-level your sense of your value, so that you were playing big in your business, how much would that make a difference for you?

    Money influences every aspect of your life and business, so let’s have some fun and create a money breakthrough for yourself!



“It’s literally one of the best things I’ve ever done. It’s empowered me to make some really smart decisions in my life and business that have felt really good! I feel more confident about my relationship to money and how I can really set myself up to win. ”


“The Money Code helped me understand why I worked so hard but actually never reached my goal of the amount of money I wanted to make.But NOW I know exactly where I want it to go and what I want it to do for me. The money tracker has been AMAZING to get really cozy and comfortable with my numbers, to stop ignoring them and to empower myself to use money in a way that works for me and my business.”


I’ve been coaching women entrepreneurs in money mindset since 2015 after experiencing some pretty amazing results - like manifesting over $100K cash in my mid 20’s. With an MBA in tow and a whole lotta passion to empower women to live their best ever Rich Woman lives, I now run a multi-6 figure business that’s growing each year.

I thought I knew it all (or a LOT of it) when it came to money mindset, but my mind blown when I discovered Sacred Money Archetypes® (SMA) - ie your money code.

Before learning about SMA I would hit some pretty incredible financial goals (like 6-figure launches) but just as quickly as they came, my mind went to “NEXT!”…UGH. It was exhausting and ruining the fun in my business.

After learning about and implementing the tools from SMA, I now run a thriving business in full alignment with my money archetypes. I know exactly when I’m going into money self sabotage mode, and I know exactly what to do to get me back into money overflow.

Becoming a certified SMA coach has been hands down one of THE most helpful coaching tools I use with my clients and I can’t wait to share it with you.

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Money is meant to feel good!

The Money Code takes you on the fast-track to get rid of unconscious money blocks and press reset on a fresh money story today! All just within a matter of hours. After all, when it comes to money, sooner or later there’s a wake-up call that happens for each of us. That might as well be now!

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Crack Your Money Code Training (valued at $197)

Empowering Your Money Voice Training (valued at $197)

Money Insights Breakthrough Tool (valued at $27)

“I Am Money” Visualization (valued at $11) 

✓ 75 min Q&A SESSION Replay (Valued at $197)  

“Create a Brighter Future” Visualization (valued at $19) 

“Shatter Your Glass Money Ceiling” Training Video & 5 minute Daily Tool (valued at $67) 

Money Boundary Breakthrough Worksheet (valued at $27)

Create Your New Money Story Template (valued at $11)


Get lifetime access today for just $27!

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Is the content available right away? 

Your login information will be delivered to your inbox right away upon signing up.

Why is this only $27? What’s the catch?

This content I truly feel every human on the planet needs. My intention is to help as many people as possible with this “no brainer” investment so that we can financially empower ourselves. No catch, just doing what feels good!

How long do I have access to the course?

You have lifetime access to the content! 

If I don’t have a business, will this still help me? 

Yes it certainly can, however the examples and suggestions I provide in the training are catered towards entrepreneurs. 

I think I’ve done the Sacred Money Archetypes quiz before. How is this any different? 

You may have taken a Sacred Money Archetypes® quiz before, but the in depth content, training, resources and bonuses I share in this course is where the GOLD is. Other certified coaches sell courses on this for upwards of $1000’s, however I decided I wanted to make it super affordable and accessible to practically anyone. Call me crazy, but I do what feels fun and this felt really good! 

Do you offer any refunds? 

Yep! To help give you peace of mind, I have a 7 day money back guarantee - no questions asked.


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Give yourself permission to create amazing money boundaries that bring you harmony, relief and freedom and learn the exact actions to help you reach your money goals.

The Money Code will do all of this for you and so much more!

With a money back guarantee, there’s nothing to lose!




You were incredible! The Money Code brought so much clarity and practical knowledge on how to leverage and use my money archetype strengths. It was completely invaluable!” 



“This stuff cuts through our limiting beliefs like a hot knife cutting butter!”