How to Overcome Financial Fears & Feelings of Scarcity!

How to Overcome Financial Fears & Feelings of Scarcity


Q: "What is your best tip around fear of spending right now?”

This is an amazing question because as all of us know, we are going through the COVID-19 global pandemic. Many of you guys are probably feeling this fear, this scarcity, and I want to show you how to help you during this time when there's so much fear and scarcity around money. Here we go!

I have three tips on how to overcome financial fears & feelings of scarcity I would like to share with you:

TIP #1: Acknowledge the fear, but give space for the solution.

Meaning, I don't want to just tell you think positive thoughts and all will be well! If you have a mind that is functioning in scarcity right now or fear or whatever's going on - you can’t just bypass that. We want to get #real with this and let's start with acknowledging it. Simple statements like:

“I'm feeling a lot of stress right right now around my money and that’s okay!”

“I'm really scared with spending right now and I acknowledge that in myself.”
Saying it out loud (literally stop reading for like two seconds) and just say some of your fears out loud! Let's just acknowledge the “problem” with the scarcity and the financial fears you are holding, and let’s be willing to shift into the solution, into the opportunity, into the willingness to see this differently.

TIP #2: Shift gears: what you focus on, you'll find right?

If you're focused on lack, if you're focused on scarcity, you are going to find a lot of that. Let’s shift that focus!

Here's a tip on how to do it: I want you to start to see the abundance that is available to you now. What I'd like you to do is take 10 seconds to look around the room that you're sitting in and add up all the value of the things that are in the space around you.

For example when I look around I see my phone, my desk, my garbage bin, my chair I'm sitting, my tripod - in this room itself, there is a lot of abundance! In this one room alone I’m up to thousands of dollars already - and that’s just in a matter of seconds.

Start to see it - I know it's not going to solve the problem overnight, it's not going to magically pay your bills or have you feeling less scared overnight - but when we can practice the vibration and the energy of abundance, we make ourselves available for more of that. We can start doing that for free and doing it right now where we are.

TIP #3: Remember to be a vibrational match.

My quickest way to do that is I hit play on my 222 Rich Woman Affirmations available here. These affirmations act as powerful triggers to reframe your deeply engrained money beliefs.

Start to ask yourself empowering questions: Why is now a great opportunity to present what I have to the world? Why are so many people interested in what I offer? Why is it so easy for me to shift this limiting thinking?

Even if you can't find the answer to the empowering question, trust that your brain is doing the work for you. When you go off and go about your day, your brain is doing the work for you.

Those are my three tips to help you get out of the feelings of scarcity & financial fears and get into the abundance, hope you enjoyed!