How I manifested a MONTH in Maui (and how you can too!)

Aloha, Rich Woman!!!

I’m coming to you from heaven on earth, aka Maui!

I’ll be here for the next MONTH, and it didn’t happen by accident or with some luck. And that is exactly what I want to share with you – how I manifested a month in Maui!

Back in December of 2017 at a Tony Robbins event, we were asked to write down our 1 year, 5 year and 10 year goals.

I wrote down “In 1 year I want to go to Hawaii with my family”.

Within 1 year, the trip was booked. And now I’m sitting in Maui for the 2nd year in a row, for yet another whole month.

This didn’t happen by accident. I created this! And I want to share with you both practically and energetically speaking how you can do the same (or go wherever you want to go!).

 Practically speaking here’s how I did it…

  1. I created a business that gives me time and location freedom. BOOM, done. Note: if your head has gone into “but I don’t have that ability” – STOP IT. Stop cutting off opportunity before you even start.

  2. I’m blessed to have a great relationship with my family. Between my parents and siblings, we contribute to sharing a beautiful condo together.

  3. I used Aeroplan points to book my 1st class flight! With having to pay the taxes my flight it costs me about $150.

But now…here’s the energetic & mindset side of things I really really really want you to understand, know, and apply in your life:

  1. Ask yourself, “where in my life is it time to ask for more?”.

    I’m sure you know what it feels when you have that feeling of “enough is enough, it’s time”. It’s like something just internally clicks and you decide to change. This is what you need to challenge within yourself and rise up to meet it.

  2. All future is created in the present.

    What you are experiencing RIGHT NOW is a result of a previous moment in your life. At some past moment in your life - that was once the present moment – you made a choice, you made a decision, you took action that has created what you are experiencing today.

    What you do today, creates your future. Which leads me to my next point…

  3. Take your dreams off the pedestal.

    If you keep thinking “one of these days” well then, you’re always putting it outside of yourself. You’re seeing yourself separate from it. And I’m sorry, but that’s all just one big lie.

Decide to create it NOW. You’re ready. You’re READY.

(one more time for the ego…)


 Say it with me: “I create my life. I am responsible for my life. I am choosing what I want today.”

 And WAIT. One more thing…

Go download the Abundance Meditation I created (trust me on this one). PLUS: You’ll also get my 222 Rich Woman affirmations sent to your inbox as well.

These two resources are my go-to resources for a mindset and energy boost.

Tell me, what’s been your biggest takeaway from this? Leave a comment below, or check out my Facebook video and leave me a reply there! 

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