How I Sold Out My First Course


You are 100% responsible for the events and outcomes of your life. Straight up!

The good news is that once you come to terms with that statement above, the world becomes your freakin’ oyster.

Cause here’s the thing...we’re never actually experience reality as it is, we’re experiencing a perception of reality.

I repeat - we’re never actually experience reality as it is, we’re experiencing a perception of reality.

And THAT, Rich Woman - your perception - is 100% up to you.

When I finally understood that, and came to terms with the fact that thought is energy and I get to choose my thoughts, it was like BAM, a light switch turned on in my brain and things really started to change.  

I remember when I was in launch mode for my first group coaching program and I woke up that morning and my initial thought was this:

“No one is going to sign up for this.”

“How am I ever going to hit my goal?!”.

“I don’t have enough people on my list to sell this course”.

As I was standing in my bedroom moments later, I stopped and thought…"Hmm, out of a trillion thoughts I could have picked from, I chose THAT one?”

That’s when I decided to choose something different.

I pictured that bad thought, I balled it up, and in my mind, I returned it back up into the sky and looked around to choose a different one that said, “This is going to go REALLY well.”

And guess what? No more than 5 minutes later I was scrolling Facebook and a woman messaged me that I had never spoken to before, wanting to sign up for the group coaching program.


That program went on to then sell out within just 2 weeks, bringing in over $20,000 in income.

What did I do??

I consistently paid attention to my thoughts and shifted them back to empowering thoughts.

I remembered that I am 100% responsible for the outcome. Not my audience, not the weather, not my list size, not anything...ME. When I bring my full commitment, the Universe can do it’s thang.

YOU are responsible for the outcome.  

You have so much power over your life if you just choose to step up and take responsibility for your thoughts and actions. It won’t be easy at first, but like I said, the world is your oyster - don’t settle for the mediocre when you can have incredible.

All the best,

Emily King

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