The SNEAKY money block you might not be aware of...


I caught myself about a month ago in the sneeeeeakiest money block EVER - time.

 “There’s never enough time”

“I never get through all my ‘to do’s’ in one day”

“Where do the days go!?”

At the end of each day these thoughts left me feeling like I was on this never ending hamster wheel. Like I was never doing ENOUGH. Like time was always against me. And it left me feeling a little anxious and stressed.

NOT the place I like to be in.  

And it was suuuuuper sneaky because I totally missed that it was a money block for me!

 It was blocking my money because I was equating time = money. And guess what?

 The ego brain was like “ohhh nooo! You didn’t get all your ‘to-do’s’ done AGAIN? Omg…you’re so behind. You’ll never do all the things you need to do to be successful”!



I had to change that craziness!

 If you are in the time money block, here are the three VERY SIMPLE steps I took to change that money block around.

 I stop, dropped, and rolled that shit.


  1. I stopped the old blocks dead in their tracks when they wanted to come into my head. I wasn’t letting any block like “there’s never enough time” sink into my belief system!

  2. I dropped them like it was hot. I remembered that this was an old pattern of mine and I was no longer available for it anymore!!! I was CHOOSING again. I was choosing a new empowering belief - because the old one wasn’t working! I was choosing to know that I am the creator of my reality and I am in full control of my days.

  3. And I rolled with the new affirmations (with some amazing deep breaths)…like…

“There is always MORE than enough time in my days”

“Time expands for me daily”

“My days flow with ease”

“Time does not exist, all there is is NOW”


Guess what happened??

I manifested 5 new clients within a matter of DAYS after releasing this whole “time” block thing.

My relationship with time changed seemingly overnight.

All of a sudden the million steps I had on my “to-do” list dropped off…because guess what? The Universe would give me a WAY easier and simpler solution. Ideas of ways I could allow other people help me (read - DELEGATE) things I thought I had to do became super clear.


We resist this whole time freedom sometimes like the plague because we grow up in the belief that you have to work hard, you gotta hustle and if you make a good buck you better have done something good to deserve it.

I’m calling bull.

 You deserve ease. You deserve money. You deserve time freedom.

Who’s ready to drop the time struggle?!



And p.s. if you haven’t already signed up for Money & Miracles next week, WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING? Hop over to this link NOW to get yourself IN!

Emily KingComment