How To Get What You Want... (secret revealed!)


“What do you want?!” is a question I often ask clients and myself. Why? Because having a clear KNOWING of what you want, and a clear desire to have it and LIVE it is SUPER important with this whole manifesting your best life magical-ness (yes, that’s a word).

Do you want to have $10K months?

Do you want a sold out course?

Do you want a house on the ocean?

Do you want to travel to Disney World with your family?

Do you want to pay off all your debt?

Our wants are easy! They are free to think of, and FUN to dream about. But knowing how to get there is a whole different story.

We can see the destination, but the journey is often completely blurry.

I get this question all the time: “I know what I want, but HOW do I get there?”

My answer?

Simple. Focus on the feelings.

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Stay with me on this one…

Picture in your mind something that you’ve always dreamt of having or doing. That item or experience you dream about creates a feeling inside of you...does it make you feel free? Joy filled? Happy? Fun? Love? Adventurous? Like you’re on FIRE? In flow? At peace?

Come up with a list of what I like to call your “core desired feelings”.

What are 5 feelings that LIGHT YOU UP when you think about them? For me, it’s fun, joy, flow, connection, and creativity.

Write yours now…






But HOW does this work? Why is focusing on the feeling so important?

Because the “what” doesn’t actually matter (right now).

As humans, we have a tendency to latch on to our “wants” and “dreams” like a kid latches on to cookies at the grocery store. They ain’t letting go.

And while that’s great to be committed to what you want, being stuck on the “want” only reinforces to the Universe that you don’t have it right now…(cue the kid having the temper tantrum in the grocery store when you take the cookies away!)

Let go of that shit.

Rich Woman, the Universe got your back!

Your ONLY job is to focus on the feeling.

What you desire to manifest starts FIRST in your thoughts and feelings. And here’s the catch...that’s 99% of the manifestation work.

99% of the manifestation IS FREE.

There is always some way to feel any of your core desired feelings, no matter what. Even if you’re broke #af and you want to feel abundant, start to appreciate and focus on the abundance in your life - a roof over your head, transportation, even $1 in your bank account. Start from where you are!

So give yourself a break, and don’t got so caught up in the “how.” Instead, focus on the feelings you want and the universe will take care of the rest.

Enjoy yourself, Rich Woman!

Emily King