How To Focus On What You Do Want (versus what you don’t!)


When we’re manifesting the life that we want, we need to focus on all the things we DO want, instead of focusing on what we don't want - because as you know, what you focus on you will find.

here’s the thing, Rich are manifesting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Be it good, bad, amazing, indifferent, YOU are the creator of your life - 100%.

In one of my Q&A Tuesday sessions recently, someone said, “I've heard the saying ‘focus on what you want’, but how do you focus on what you want when you're so anxious about what you DON'T want?”

I get it, Rich Woman! Been there, got the t-shirt! So let me break down EXACTLY how to switch your mindset from what you don’t want, back to what you do want.


The very first step is to change your state. Changing your state is one of the most effective ways to change how you feel.

Think about it for a second...ever find yourself in a heated argument when all of a sudden your phone rings and BAM you’re all of a sudden pleasant as can be when you answer the phone?! What happened?!

Something interrupted your state.

Go for a walk or a drive, watch a motivational video, take a bath, or even dance it out if you want to, but DO SOMETHING, Rich Woman.

When you change your state, it can feel like hitting the “reset” button on your brain. Ain’t nobody got time to hang out with negative thoughts, and there is ALWAYS an option to feel better. So decide to feel better, and take action.


The next thing is to remind yourself of these two things:

  1. Only love is real

  2. The universe wants you to succeed

Use those as affirmations and reminders that everything will be okay (because really, everything ALWAYS WORKS OUT!).

Post them on a sticky note to your computer or set it as your phone background if you need to.

If you don’t resonate with those, ask yourself “what feels better than the thought I’m thinking?”...maybe you remember “this is only temporary”, “I expect miracles”, “I forgive myself for this thought”...find SOMETHING, because there is always a better thought to focus on.


The final thing is to envision yourself successfully completing what you’re focused on.

FACT: Our brains can’t actually distinguish what is made up and what is real - that’s why visualization is such a powerful thing. When you visualize the completed task, you’re convincing your brain that you’ve already done it which will help attract that to your reality.

Take 30 seconds to think about what has you NOT feeling so great and ask yourself, “what would it feel like to feel GOOD about this?”.

And if the ol’ ego comes up and says “well that’s never going to happen”...tell it to take a 5 minute coffee break.

Just close your eyes and envision everything going well. Feeling supported by the Universe, feeling happy, feeling at peace, feeling excited...whatever you desire to feel, envision it.

If you’re finding yourself spinning in negative thoughts, try out those three things and I can guarantee you’ll have your mindset back on track in no time.

And it goes without saying - you DON’T nor should you have to do it alone. That’s just plain exhausttttting. Reach out, Rich Woman. Get yourself some coaching and get yourself SOARING.

~Emily King

Emily King